Being the fashionistas that you guys are have you ever wondered where stars like Rihanna, Lady Gaga, and even Jersey Shore Reality Star Snooki grabbed these specticles??
Well wonder no more! These amazing glasses are the one of a kind creations of Kerin.Rose, designer of A-Morir eyewear and accessories. I first learned of the woman behind the lenses on an episode of House of Glam (Shout of to the B.Lynn Group!), when notable stylist Crystal Streets went shopping for accessories for a photo shoot (Crystal got Kerin's designer shades on her first celebrity, Mariah Carey). Then one day my friend was like "I wanna know where I can get some of those glasses with the stones and stuff on them", so we went on an internet search rampage because I couldn't spell A-Morir right for the life of me. But you know I found her site! Located at you will find out everything you need to know about this amazing designer, whose wearing her accessories, and how you can get them yourself. What makes A-Morir so special? Well as she put it on the episode of House of Glam herself " thing is like putting stuff on stuff that doesn't necessarily belong on stuff..". Hence the birth of some of the more unique and unusual designs like the Barracuda shades (the shades on the left side). I give the A-Morir online store an A, simply because Kerin isn't just selling you some mass manufactered "unspecial" product, these shades are made to order. They range from $150 to around $600, so if your BALLING and need a definate trendsetting look, order something from the A-Morir line. EVERYTHING is eyecatching! These accessories are extremely exclusive and aren't available at too many boutiques, there are only two listed stores listed on website, so my recommendation is to order them straight from the website.
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